(Warning!: Your IP may be changed according to time, place and situation. Thus, check IP address first for every time you make connection.
Step 2: Next, after get your IP, open notepad and insert below code into notepad. Make sure don’t forget to insert your IP just now. In addition, your notepad..must be.. Click Start ---> All Programs ---> Accessories ---> Click Notepad. Notepad image should be appear as below…copy the following code
Follow this : c:\windows\system32\ping [space] your IP [space]
Step 3: After that, “save as” your notepad file as ping.bat and store at desktop. Remember, don’t store anywhere except desktop…huhu. I add some more, save file as ping.bat and save on your desktop. It easy right?
Step 4 : Click at ping.bat at desktop and automatically command prompt window will appear. Leave that command prompt running during online. If you want to stop connection, please repeat step 1.
I already tried this method with maxis broadband..the speed awesome..like northern hemisphere..you should try this one..trust me. If you don’t understand, comment and I will help you, ok? huhu
c:\windows\system32\ping your IP-t