Saturday, November 30, 2013

PTPTN and its related issues

Hi, today is the last day on November 2013 before we heading December which is last month for year 2013. How about your 2013 wish list?  Have been completed yet? Do your best. InshaAllah you will do good.

One day, my grandmother asked me. "what's in your mind? Are you thinking too much? Don't do that. Don't think too much later it will turn stress, suffer. I don't answer her question. But I do answer in my heart.

Yeah I do think too much. Increasing household price. Debts. Political issues. Jobs. Marriage. Perform Hajj. Family.

I put my debts in first place. I always think how can I complete PTPTN debts in short time.

it's true?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Last Step

Its have been few month ago I wait for this opportunity. The final step I called.  Alhamdulillah, thanks Allah. After awhile, the chance came to me. O Allah, please guide me going through this obstacle. If this is the best for me please make it Happen. Amin.

Dear ALLAH, Forgive me, Bless me, Love me and Guide me trough this. for i know that i wouldn't have survived this far if it is not because of You, The Almighty..