Saturday, May 14, 2011

Non Halal ingredient product

Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

Traditionally, added ingredient , MSG is a white powder like made from seaweed. This product did not act as added ingredient solely, but also change food’s taste itself.

Illustration purpose only: One of brand that produce MSG

Nowadays, MSG not been extracted from seaweed but the process has change to more cutting edge technology. In Malaysia, MSG made via fermentation of tapioca.

In 2001, Indonesian’s muslim was shocked due to bacon enzyme has been used in production of MSG. The most controversial material is Bactosoytone, a nutrient that play a role as a medium for bacterial growth via fermentation. Bactosoytone produced when soy protein was degrade by enzyme which is extracted from vavi pancreas.

Thus, the usage of Bactosoytone in production of MSG was illegal and HARAM because the source comes from non-halal ingredient.

Source from CAP

Citation not applicable, if interested RSVP to CAP

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